here I think we should start with something about voices and finding ways to communicate or st
then go into causes and what issi can do about it
A lot of people find it difficult to verbalise their feelings. Emotions can be abstract, and difficult to put into words. Much like how there are varying learning styles, there are various ways to communicate ideas and feelings.
I do a lot of work with dreams. Dreams can be so vivid and meaningful, but aren't always easy to describe. Dreams are often representative of a persons subconscious emotional state, and finding a way to tap into these feelings can be difficult and frustrating.
Difficulty to verbalise emotions can also stem from a place of trauma. An event or period of time may have been so unpleasant that it can cause a long-lasting impact that seems too overwhelming confront. Much like dreams, these feelings manifest themselves subconsciously, and are important to explore.
(too long? - need to condense?)
The important question is how.
Many of my clients have found that drawing is ...
- Can follow the development of feelings over time.
- Use of images as symbols to represent emotions or events that may be difficult to describe.
- Illustrate dreams, can help to re-visualise and explore meaning.
, especially if they have experienced childhood trauma or any abuse of any kind. One of the defence mechanisms is to shut down so even though somebody comes for counselling they're emotionally aware of it but the defence mechanism is so strong. You know you need to speak about it but they find it really hard to verbally express how they're feeling.
Within the session there is the possibility to draw, also between sessions, my clients would, we'd have a session and then between one session and the next they would have a dream and they would draw or write and then we would analyse and interpret in the next session. Third eye - what do you think this represents. Who are you in regards to this. IT's all unique, some people will never ever draw or write a poem, counselling is unique and there are many forms of communicating our feelings and exploring our feelings and for some clients it has been through the medium or writing or drawing their dreams. Work with flashbacks and trauma. When you work with an adult you're also working with the child version of themselves.
The shadow is the darker side to us, it's the part of us that we. We are all like little pie charts, imagine that we all have different tparts: lovely, kind, generous, giving. Other side is shadow which is left in the shadow because we don't like them. We don't show them to other people incase they don't like us because of them. The not nice parts of us. Jealous, vindictive. They're the bits we hide but it's important to bring them out. In counselling we invite all of those parts into the room and try and get some kind of integration. That part is still a part of who we are. The shadow parts are often our defences. Aggresion is a defences, you attack before someone can hurt you. The shadow parts are the parts we don't like about ourselves, we don't like to show to other people and don't like to show to ourselves. When we face problems our lives and we feel like we're really stuck in ourselves it's imporant to look at all of ourselves.
Patterns of behaviour. In relationships they all start off really well and then after a while they often just seem to not work our. They jus don't work. So what we'll do is have a look at the cycle of that realatinoshoip. What happens when you meet that new person. Then what happens, you get used to that person. Then something starts to break down - maybe you need to make a commitment? So what it is about you making that commitment that stops you from having that relationship? What was your first example of a relatinohoi, did you hva e relationship where you couldn't get close t anyone? Did you have a relationship where they would let you down? The attachment sthat you had - you can't go ahead with reltinaihos because when you had attattchents when they were younger they would then get hurt and they affiliate that with current relationship.
Depression, stress and anxiety (adults and children), the affects of depression within a family.
Family: have to meet all the members of the family. Finding out from each individual person what they felt was not working within the family. Maybe someone is in denial? Get everyone's stance on it. Is it our fault, what started first? Arguing and escapism? Not going to school, doing drugs? Stability. Walking on egg shells. Different methods of bring up children. Goal orientated - what does this family want to achieve. Take into consideration every member of the family and figure out how they want to achieve their goal.
Children: Very child centres, putting the child at the centre of our work. I work with childrens behaviours adn the cause. Through the medium of play (painting, sewing, clay, plasticine, sand tray, drawing). Building a connection with me. I'm always in that childs corner. Often they don't have anyone to listen to them. Identifying what problems children have with school, when it started and how we can solve those problem. Family issues, parents breakups, bereavement (parent or sibling), stress anxiety self harm, children that are struggling with their sexual identity, low confidence self esteem, school confidence (friendship, bullying).
Adults: All counselling is person centred because it's the person at the centre of the counselling process. However each person is unique and different so my practise is also informed by other theories such as gestalt therapy (patterns of behaviour), transactional analysis and the psychodynamic. The internal family issues, the little family that lives within us.
Been qualified since 2010 and I've had extensive experience with working with. Counselling is usually more short-term: burst of counselling, something that can be looked at, reflect on, something that' goal orientated. We look at the problem, look at the goals that we want to se and how we want to wokr towarsds them. The osychotherapy is when we realise that the current problem is tapping into more historic childhood stuff, events that happened in the past, subcontious, unresolved issues from eh past. Usually we have to wokr with the unresolved issues from childhood and the damaged younger self to be able to mood forward wit hour adult parts.Often when someone comes to counselling they say they can't do this or that so we focus on identifying when it all started and what was happening in that persons life. If it was resonation with stuff that did happen in the past/earlier life. Childhood - the child has to adapt to whatever circumstance they're living in, positive or negative. As human beings we have to survive and in oreder to survive, even if our surroundings ar ehorrific we adopt whatever definse we can find to get us through that difficult period. HOwever in later life i's harder to drop that defence because it's become a part of who we are. For example the child thats being abused often goes into drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. The anaethsitic that helps them escape their experience often becomes an addiction so they cna' let go even after the trauma has stopped. Eating, it makes you feel good/better so you associate that with things in later life. Shutting down becaus this is so terrible but in later life when they're -- dissociate.
Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.
- Osho
Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, your thoughts can either be flowers or weeds.
- Williams Wordsworth
Metaphor of garden to describe the mind. A beautiful garden needs work and attention, love and care. Very much like our minds. If we don't tend to our minds and give them the right amount of attention then things will become abandoned and start to die.
Metaphor of relationships. Tend to garden, tend to relationship - needs attention, sun and water. Pruining and weeding. That will yield a healthy garden. If we don't afford/dedicate the right amount of time the garden will turn to wreck and ruin.
Two identical seeds - plant one in healthy, fertile ground. Throw the other without care or consideration onto th stroud. The first seed is watered and cared fro everyday, after a while it starts to grow. Beautiful green shoots. Any weeds that appear are pruned and beautiful blossoms appear. The identical seed that was thrown on to unattended land never develops the right roots, doesn't get the right amount of rain and sun, never grows to its full potential, is stunted and will never yield the beautiful flowers that the first seed does. - parenting, relationships, relationship with yourself.